Internet From a Teen’s Perspective

 Internet’s Part in Our Daily Life

Nowadays it’s obvious that technology is a big part of our life. We use it for education to daily tasks and entertainment . But what about our free time? Do we even have a free time? We just spend it scrolling through social media. Shouldn’t we be reading books, meditating or exercising? That is pretty hard actually because its about our dopamine level. When we scroll through social media that is one of the highest dopamine provider at least for our generation (gen z, millennials and even gen x). But our elders didn’t grow up with too much technology so reading books for hours or having a walk makes them happier and increase their dopamine level more than just looking to their phones. 

If you try to do a social media diet or stop looking to your phone for just a week, you will definitely miss lots of things. Especially at the time of COVID-19 because everything happens in the web, for example work from home jobs or simply education. Teens already spend 8 hours on the internet for school if we add one more 8 hours for sleep there is just 8 more hours left in a day. New generations are just living 1/3 of their life’s.  Well if we say they aren’t web surfing. So how do we spend less time on the WEB? I am not sure. Unfortunately I am a victim of this addiction too. I spend every single minute in my iPad in the weekdays. But why? And that is the important question. I read for an hour on my iPad, learn 3 languages at the same time, I take extra lessons and I write a blog now. Somehow I still have “free time” after all of these. I still have hobbies that will keep me in shape and make me more intellectual. 

Technology is like a gum

you can’t take it off from your life after one use because even if you wanted to society and our growing world won’t let you. What should you do? 

 What should you do?

My suggestion would be try to go outside more and see things not just look. Understand nature, learn new things and spend time with your friends. I’m so thankful that I am able to see teens from a differently perspective that I can understand how addicted our generation is to social media. It’s not right to blame just teens they are spending time on social media more because they want to escape the real world and it actually helps. My biggest wish to let future generations see everything like most of us did. 


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